Understanding Semantic Analysis NLP
Nevertheless, how semantics is understood in NLP ranges from traditional, formal linguistic definitions based on logic and the principle of compositionality to more applied notions based on grounding meaning in real-world objects and real-time interaction. We review the state of computational semantics in NLP and investigate how different lines…
Chatbots for Education Use Cases & Benefits
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots are becoming a crucial part of educational frameworks globally. By leveraging this valuable feedback, teachers can continuously improve their teaching methods, ensuring that students grasp concepts effectively and ultimately succeed in their academic pursuits. In 2023, AI chatbots…
Generative AI in Insurance: Benefits, Use Cases & Examples
This can be more challenging than it seems as many current applications (e.g., chatbots) do not cleanly fit existing risk definitions. Similarly, AI applications are often embedded in spreadsheets, technology systems and analytics platforms, while others are owned by third parties. Currently, the insurance…